Lucee Function Reference


Copies an object in S3 from one bucket to an other.


s3copy(string srcBucketName,string srcObjectName,string trgBucketName,[string trgObjectName,[object acl,[string location,[string accessKeyId,[string secretAccessKey,[number timeout]]]]]]):void


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Default Value Description
srcBucketName string  Yes   Name of the source bucket of your object to copy  
srcObjectName string  Yes   Name of the source object (path) within the bucket of your object to copy  
trgBucketName string  Yes   Name of the target bucket of your object to copy  
trgObjectName string  No   Name of the target object (path)for the target bucket. If not defined the source obbject name is used.  
acl object  No   an array of struct where each struct represents an ACL grant  
location string  No   location of the S3 storage.  
accessKeyId string  No   S3 accessKeyId, if not defined it checks the system property/environment variable for [lucee.s3.accesskeyid].  
secretAccessKey string  No   S3 secretAccessKey, if not defined it checks the system property/environment variable for [lucee.s3.secretaccesskey].  
timeout number  No 10000 timeout for this execution